Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Look Out! A Bank!

Sara and I are both excited about our upcoming Hawaii trip, but Sara especially has been happy to babble on about it to any and all who come into our path. While this is perhaps a little insensitive when, say, directed at minimum wage grocery clerks, the response from most folks has been good cheer and happiness on our behalf. And yesterday it saved us from a nasty pitfall.

She was at the BECU credit union, where she keeps one account -- our others are at Chase -- and regaling the teller there with our great adventure to come, when the teller stopped her. Be sure to tell Chase about her trip, the teller warned, or else, seeing debit card transactions coming in from Hawaii, the bank will preemptively SHUT DOWN OUR DEBIT CARDS, on the assumption that they've been stolen. Sara proceeded on to Chase and asked about this wonderful banking feature, and the organisms behind the counter there confirmed it. Oh yes, they told her straight-faced, Chase stands ready to do exactly that, wilfully depriving us of funds in the midst of our vacation with no warning at all.

Banks! Are they actually clearing houses for the Devil? Discuss! We know enough to put the mail on hold and turn the hot water heater down when we leave for a trip, but I confess I'd never heard of this one before. Nowhere in the bank can one see a poster warning travellers about this feature. Nowhere in their literature have I noticed a bullet point about it. No, this one is apparently meant to be a sweet little surprise.

Anyway, Sara told the Chase employee to mark us down for a Hawaii trip (and made sure she saw the form actually filled out and filed with a manager, Chase employees being seemingly recruited from the losing ranks of high school beauty pageants), so presumably our official banking leash now extends to Hawaii. Whew.

Fellow travellers be forewarned. And more power to Sara for telling all within earshot about our trip to Hawaii. Keep it up!


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